5 research outputs found

    Determination Of Elective Course Based On Hierarchical Fuzzy Topsis Method With Matlab Software

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    The determination of elective course in undergraduate education is an important decision making process, because the course chosen allows the students to specialize in the area they are interested in. The aim of this study is to apply Hierarchical Fuzzy TOPSIS HFTOPSIS method in determining elective course as a fuzzy multi-criteria decision making FMCDM technique and introduce the programme developed in MATLAB software related to this decision making process. In this study, a decision model based on the process of determining elective course belonging to the sixth semester of third year students receiving education in economics department at a state university is developed. The assessments of the importance weights of the main and sub-criteria used in determining elective course and the assessments of the elective courses opened in the sixth semester in terms of the sub-criteria are performed by using linguistic variables. Then, these linguistic data are transformed into triangular fuzzy numbers, used in two different algorithms of HFTOPSIS and, relevant process is programmed, and the results of the two algorithms are compared. In the study it is concluded that the most important decision criteria for determining the elective course is elements relating to the lecturer 0.76, 0.96, 1.00 . According to the two algorithms, the candidate elective courses are ranked from the best to the worst with respect to the calculated closeness coefficients. The ranking order of three alternative elective courses is similar according to the two approaches handled in the study, and it is as A1>A3> A2. It is seen that the most appropriate elective course is A1 with a closeness coefficient 0.821 according to the first approach and 0.819 according to the second approach. When the evaluation about whether the choice is risky or not via the closeness coefficient of elective course A1is made, it can be expressed that the alternative chosen is “approved and preferred

    Matlab Yazılımıyla Hiyerarşik Bulanık TOPSIS YöntemineDayalı Seçmeli Dersin Belirlenmesi

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    Seçtikleri ders öğrencilerin ilgilendikleri alanda uzmanlaşmalarına imkan tanıdığı için lisans eğitiminde seçmeli dersin belirlenmesi önemli bir karar verme sürecidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, seçmeli dersin belirlenmesine bulanık bir çok kriterli karar verme yöntemi olarak Hiyerarşik Bulanık TOPSIS (HBTOPSIS)'i uygulamak ve bu karar verme sürecine ilişkin MATLAB yazılımında geliştirilen programı tanıtmaktır. Bu çalışmada bir devlet üniversitesinin iktisat bölümünde eğitim gören üçüncü sınıf öğrencilerinin altıncı dönemine ilişkin seçmeli ders belirleme sürecine dayanan bir karar modeli geliştirilmiştir. İlgili öğrencilerin seçmeli ders belirlemesinde kullanılan ana ve alt kriterlerinin önem ağırlığının değerlendirilmesi ve altıncı dönemde açılan seçmeli derslerin alt kriterler yoluyla değerlendirilmesi dilsel değişkenlerle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Daha sonra, bu sözel veriler üçgen bulanık sayılara çevrilerek HBTOPSIS yöntemine ait iki farklı algoritma kullanılmış, ilgili süreç programlanmış ve iki algoritmanın sonuçları karşılaştırılmıştır. Çalışmada seçmeli dersin belirlenmesi için en önemli karar kriterinin öğretim elemanına ilişkin unsurlar (0.76, 0.96, 1.00) olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Aday dersler her iki algoritmaya göre hesaplanan yakınlık katsayıları dikkate alınarak en iyiden en kötüye doğru sıralanmıştır. Üç alternatif dersin sıralaması çalışmada ele alınan iki yaklaşıma göre benzerlik göstermektedir ve A1A A2 şeklindedir. Birinci yaklaşıma göre 0.821, ikinci yaklaşıma göre 0.819 olan yakınlık katsayısıyla en uygun seçmeli dersin A1 olduğu görülmüştür. A1 seçmeli dersinin yakınlık katsayısı yoluyla seçimin risk içerip içermediği değerlendirildiğinde seçilen alternatifin "kabul edilebilir ve kesinlikle tercih edilebilir" olduğu ifade edilebilirThe determination of elective course in undergraduate education is an important decision making process, because the course chosen allows the students to specialize in the area they are interested in. The aim of this study is to apply Hierarchical Fuzzy TOPSIS (HFTOPSIS) method in determining elective course as a fuzzy multi-criteria decision making (FMCDM) technique and introduce the programme developed in MATLAB software related to this decision making process. In this study, a decision model based on the process of determining elective course belonging to the sixth semester of third year students receiving education in economics department at a state university is developed. The assessments of the importance weights of the main and sub-criteria used in determining elective course and the assessments of the elective courses opened in the sixth semester in terms of the sub-criteria are performed by using linguistic variables. Then, these linguistic data are transformed into triangular fuzzy numbers, used in two different algorithms of HFTOPSIS and, relevant process is programmed, and the results of the two algorithms are compared. In the study it is concluded that the most important decision criteria for determining the elective course is elements relating to the lecturer (0.76, 0.96, 1.00). According to the two algorithms, the candidate elective courses are ranked from the best to the worst with respect to the calculated closeness coefficients. The ranking order of three alternative elective courses is similar according to the two approaches handled in the study, and it is as A1<A3< A2. It is seen that the most appropriate elective course is A1 with a closeness coefficient 0.821 according to the first approach and 0.819 according to the second approach. When the evaluation about whether the choice is risky or not via the closeness coefficient of elective course A1is made, it can be expressed that the alternative chosen is &quot;approved and preferred&quot


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    Deformasyon analizi seçilen modele göre farklılık göstermektedir. Deformasyon araştırmasında sadece geometrik değişimler belirlenmek istendiğinde Ortalama Aykırılıklar Yöntemi, geometrik değişimlerle birlikte hareketin hızı ve ivmesinin belirlenmesi istendiğinde ise Kalman Filtreleme Yöntemi yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada 5 noktalı bir yükseklik ağında yapılan üç periyot ölçü; statik modelde Ortalama Aykırılıklar Yöntemi, kinematik modelde ise Kalman Filtreleme Yöntemi ile değerlendirilmiş ve sonuçlar karşılaştırılmıştır

    Interpolation of GPS orbit coordinates using radial basis functions

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    The satellite positions computation for many topics related to the astronomy and the satellite geodesy has been crucial. Thisis also one of the core tasks of many GNSS positioning software. In this study, the interpolation methods used in determining the GPS satellite coordinates were researched and the identification of the best suitable method was examined. Generally, different interpolation methods (polynomial, lagrange, trigonometric etc.) was applied for GPS satellite coordinates in the literature. In this study, radial basis functions have been used that produce excellent results for a large number of scattered data points and emerge as a powerful tool for scattered data approximation. For this purpose, satellite coordinate values were calculated with the help of radial basis functions such as linear, gaussian, cubic and multiquadric and results were presented. According to the results, it was observed that cubic, multiquadric, linear and gaussian methods respectively yield better results